Brave Bold Moves!

Brave Bold Moves, Commanding the Universe to Follow
is a paid 2-hour live masterclass for $55.

To purchase the recording, add the live program and the add-on for the recording, a total of $111 and watch it and absorb it on your own time.

I invite you to join a very important conversation on Monday, December 5th @ 1 PM EST (12 PM SK time) and a calling to rise and a calling for change.
With creating Brave Bold Moves.

This class is for those that have a story, for those that want to lead, to take bold steps forward, but they don’t know where to start, how to start or they feel they are being held back and don’t know why.

Walk with me and join me in Brave Bold Moves, our Command to the Universe.

© Copyright 2022. All rights reserved

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