Aligned to Lead

For You, Your Environment, Your Community

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Aligned to Lead is a mentorship for like-minded entrepreneurs wanting to take their leadership and service to a whole new level this year and I’m thrilled to get to be apart of the journey.

So many have aspirations to lead their community, their industry, their family and impact the world in some way through their service.

Here’s the thing we need to realize. It doesn’t matter what we do until we change who we are. We can manifest everything we want when we know ourselves, lead ourselves and can be fully and deeply connected to the innermost spirit of ourselves.

Only then can we begin to inspire others to have the courage to change. Once we take ourselves to greater heights through our own self-leadership, only then can we inspire others to do the same. That’s leadership!

If you want to set goals to grow and aspire to be a better leader yourself, this is it.


The Aligned to Lead program will begin in September.

There will be 12- live modules and includes a mastermind over the 6 weeks we are together.

We will meet twice per week online. There will also be Voxer access for participants where you can have ongoing discussion in between modules and an opportunity to ask questions as we go.

A Facebook profile is required.

Recording of the program will be available til 2023.


client stories


You only need to acknowledge it,
Trust it and answer the call,
and say,

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Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

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