Where Leaders choose to
and Rise.

Are you a woman who desires growth, connection, quality personal development, community, heart-led, real conversation?

Personal Development | Sacred Witness | Celebration | Membership | Earn Credits


Be a part of unique & exclusive trainings in a Private Community on topics such as:

Identity, Mindset, War on Debt, Energetics, Self-worth, Self-confidence, Work-Life Integration, Personal Power & Self-Leadership, Well Being, Creativity, Human Connection & Communication.

We also host ascension circles where you get to share your story and be held in sacred witness, empathy, compassion and feel seen, validated and heard.

You can stay for a month or stay for a lifetime.

Each month you remain in the membership, you earn credits worth 50% of your membership cost that you can use towards any Christie Sondergaard Coaching & Mentoring Mastery in Motion Series or to upgrade into the Living Free Womanship Year-Long Journey of Becoming which includes all of the Mastery in Motion Series.


"I have a vision where women of all ages gather to listen and learn from one another through our experiences. 
Where wisdom is gained through the experience and sharing of one woman while others witness her with their listening, presence, & compassion. 

Could you imagine how quickly we'd rise?

To be seen, witnessed, celebrated
where there is no need for external validation, people pleasing, competition, performance,
judgement, pressure, or control?

Now, add in activation and growth.
We not only expand AND grow through personal development, but through the
power of empathy and compassion,
empowerment and celebration, reflection and contemplation, connection and collaboration,
growth and evolution. 

A piece in the Rise of Womanhood.

   This is my vision for ROOTS."
Christie Sondergaard


You seek personal growth.

You desire to expand your circle of influence

You crave growth, fulfillment and abundance

You want to be apart of the collective rise through your own self-leadership.


More Personal Power
More Self-Leadership
Strengthened Emotional Intelligence
Higher Standards for yourself & others
More deeply connected in your relationships
More confidence around money
More confidence in networking circles
A new community and people you're going to grow & evolve with
Gain a sisterhood you never had
Greater sense of well being and happiness
More ease and flow
Greater organization and direction.
You will feel like you belong.

In moments like these we choose to rise.


Where Leaders Choose to Belong & Rise


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